Monday, August 25, 2008

Timberline's Keep on Truckin'

This is the newest addition to my dog sled team. His AKC registered name is Timberline's Keep on Truckin' and his call name is Mack. He came to my home at the end of July. I have been working with him to become one of my lead dogs. He is a character. As I look out the back door I see him sitting up on one of the chairs around the table like he is an honored dinner guest, or plopped on top of the table really enjoying himself. He also loves water. When he is playing and wrestling (and a lot of that goes on) with the other dogs, he runs as fast as he can and jumps into the water trough to get a drink. Then he dives to the bottom with his whole head and comes up flinging water all over everyone. When he was only three months old I entered him in the Summit County Fair dog show. Usually they don't allow puppies to show, but they opened the competition up to every one. Well, Mack wowed the crowd with his cute looks, charming personality and took second place. It was the first time for both of us and we had a great time. He learns obedience commands really easy and could sit and stay by the time he was 4 months old. Lets hope that he continues to be a great learner and in the future helps me take first place in a dog sled race.


AmyT said...

Yay mom! You finally did it. I'm so proud of you. I am excited to read your upcoming posts. Love ya!

Jennifer Anne said...

Welcome to the blogging world ma! :)

CassieU said...