Everyone has their own idea of fun...but...this is the real deal! During the months that I can't train the dogs with a sled because there's no snow, I hook them up to my four wheeler and away we go for dry land training. Well, this last run was not exactly dry land!!! I met another musher up the Uintah mountains where it is still cool enough in the early mornings or late evenings for the dogs to get a good run in. Up near Mirror Lake there is still snow on the ground, so the trails down below are still wet and muddy. I think that I laughed the whole time as we hit the big mud bogs, flew through bumpy-winding trails, strained mosquitoes through my teeth, and encountered cattle who were grazing nearby. You should have seen the surprised expression on the cows as they saw a pack of racing dogs coming towards them! We came back covered from head to toe with mud and manure. I know, you are thinking "She must be crazy", but it was priceless and a memory I will hold on to. Nothing like an evening of laughter to brighten the soul and put a light in the eyes.